If you've been dealing with mobility challenges, getting a scooter can quickly augment your quality of life. You'll now be able to cruise the neighborhood, visit the local shopping centers and, in general, enjoy getting out and about in a manner that might have eluded you for several years. The change, however, can require a bit of an adjustment period. Although the staff at the medical equipment supply store will run through of the few rules for using your new scooter, keeping these three rules in mind can help keep you safer.
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A Guide To Donating Your Used Medical Equipment
Whether it's a pair of crutches, a wheelchair, walker, cane, or bed hoist, medical equipment can be quite costly. If you have some used medical equipment that's still in excellent shape, you can donate it to people or organizations in need. Before you load up your vehicle with your unneeded medical items, read these tips to help you donate it properly and give it to the right people.
Do An Inspection
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Two Things You Should Do To Improve Your Life When You Have Sleep Apnea
If you have sleep apnea, you already know how tiring and scary it can be. Not only does the condition mean that you stop breathing at different points during the night, it can also lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease. Here are some things you can do to better cope and improve your life when you have sleep apnea.
Eat a Healthy Diet
You may not make an immediate connection between what you eat and your inability to sleep at night, but making sure that your diet is healthy is important when you have sleep apnea.
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